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Monday, December 17, 2007


There are times when I know I've been wronged and felt this sure would have been a blessing. To have the harm undone the villain made to suffer.

But somehow it never works out that way. Evil never seems to get what it deserves and those who try to be honest get punished.

The imbalance does have a tendency to annoy and frustrate. And if we let it fester in our thinking it can really be heartache.

The big struggle is to be sure we don't get so depressed over the reality that our wounds might not find a vigilante. That we must be content with dwelling in places where it feels like a desert, being empty and barren to our eyes.

So it becomes easy to be bitter and resentful. The challenge I think is to try and not let it affect our faith.

That can be so difficult. We can so crave the images of revenge be given a chance to come to life.

But all of that should be prelude to the willingness to find some truth in our lives. So we can face the Lord with honesty.

God isn't going to strike us dead for being upset. He will not be happy with us pretending otherwise.

That is part of the challenge. We need the capacity to look into the soul's mirror and know God sees it too.

Without such acceptance we merely are pretending and well never see clearly. For we can not find the sense of things if we thinking we are really good people.

Oh we might be better than the person who is say a career criminal. But it doesn't mean we are angels.

Nor does it mean we are like god. We can express certain characteristics God might express in a small way, but it doesn't me we are exactly like him

I do wish there were more times of justice in life. That it truly did make a whole lot more sense at times.

But in the process, we can reach out to the Lord. And he will calm our lives and makes us more in touch with the truth.

That might not seem like much reward, but sometimes it can bring its own form of healing.


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