There is a difference between being alone and quiet time. At least from the way I treat it. For to me, being alone is often more of a social condition. It doesn't necessarily have to do with wanted to be by yourself. As much something that happens for a variety of reasons.
Whereas quiet times are the savored moments when you are allowed some peace by yourself. They are cherished because they are often rare and not ones you get to always plan.
Still, they are only temporary. In the back of the mind, one know you will be surrounded by family or friends in due time. So it is never the same.
Oh the other hand being completely alone can feel so isolated. It can creep into you and attack one's sense of self worth. That can always be difficult to accept at times. And if you have any problems with saggy sense of identity that can compound the problem.
Plus if there is no hint that it will ever change or improve, that can really be depressing. The longer the time of isolation, the more it can really sting.
Of course if one is not a social butterfly it might be difficult to live like one is the life of the party. I doubt most of us is going to change our personalities that much to adjust the times of being alone.
So in reality we understand that each of us is different and what shadows our time is related to our personalities and how we view the world. Does any of that affect our salvation? Are we someone expected to act a certain way in order to be approved of the Lord?
Not to me. When one looks at the diversity in the personalities of those chosen by God, you honestly can say there is one type, which he prefers.
However the reality is we each will serve him as we are gifted. So if one isn't blessed with an outgoing personality, why would he call you as an evangelists or pastor?
Still, there are many needs in the body of Christ and we all can serve him as we are so called. As long as we accept that is his will and don't force ourselves into some mold that says, all Christians must act and be a certain way.
Those who have such expectations always seem to make their personality is the one that God approves. We don't have to accept such boxes though.
Instead we can embrace God's grace. We can rest in the joy of knowing what counts with God is not what is based upon our desires. And there are times when for some of us, being alone can be a music to celebrate and not a form of dirge over feeling lost and unwanted.
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