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Sunday, September 02, 2007


How much labor is enough? Do we ever reach a point that we can truly say we did our best and feel good about the fact we didn't get the results we wanted or expected?

I do ponder this myself. For it seems to me that there are so often situations where society dictates what is effort.

After all success is truly the most cherish aspect of labor. Well if you accept the traditional view of it.

Which always makes reward the prime motivation for any activity. Is it really the only yardstick to use?

I have to admit that I don't see it that way. For it might be true with some things, particularly when you work for a living, but does it apply to everything?

Some would claim that was the case. Personally, I'm not that convinced. I do wonder at times if we forget that there are times when God tests us in terms of obedience.

His priorities are not the same as ours. And he can inspire us to do certain things out of obedience that have no reward.

The scriptures do speak of eternal rewards. However, they are never explained in such a way that we know what they are going to be. Just that they are eternal.

And the problem is that regardless of what they are, we still have the times when God has the right to expect us to do things as a sacrifice. It might not be a popular to think about, but it is a reality.

Yet for me, I know, I don't think it is so terrible. God gives us all we have. Is it bad if he tests our hearts at times?

Some would never quite accept that option. They will only see the world as a place where they can live happily ever after.

Heaven is not on this earth. We can expect times of joy. But also times of struggle. Might not be quite as popular, but it is the truth.

Some will run away from this fact, others will embrace it. When we face the truth, it is always the truth.

Hopefully we savor the reality and not let it burden us in a bad way. And if we cling to the Lord in the process that is even better.

Moving ahead in the light of God's truth always brings us towards him and hopefully towards where he wants us to be.


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