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Saturday, May 12, 2007


Wooden thoughts of inflexible invention are forged in minds too fixed by insecurity. They can not allow their minds to capture any details or thoughts that are outside of their realm of fears.

So instead they sit, inflexible, miserable, unable to enjoy life and unwilling to let anyone else enjoy it either. Such are the flaws in fear driven thinking.

And the best way for them to keep this fear from getting out of control is to fix everything as much as possible in the concrete of traditions. They cling to something that they refuse to change regardless of whether it makes sense or not.

If by chance you enter this maze of stagnation and don't have one of their maps you will get lost. They will tell you that is okay.

And they will be very happy that you don't ever find your way out. They will help you just find out that hell is right there in the place and all you have to do is just wallow in it. A very uplifting approach.

And the thing is with the Lord, he will if we let him, guide us out of these spiritual traps. Only you can be sure the ones who are trapped in them won't want you to escape freely.

Prisons are not what God intends for his children. There are things we are suppose to abstain from that are detrimental to our well being, but that isn't the same as living in a prisoner.

However, you can battle the issue of finding those who will insist upon guiding to God, only it will not be the Lord, but the divine mannequin of their own bias. And if you let them, they will make you feel so righteous in everyone's eyes, but the Lord's.

There are never any easy answers to the spiritual path in life, but it never gets better when you insist upon following one that leads only to confusion and disappointment. Hopefully somewhere along the way God shines a light that allows one to see into the shadows and now when the journey isn't profitable.

Guides into the world of spirituality abound. But ones who truly represent God are not always able to be found.

There are so many who will try and persuade with some form of speech or sincerity. However so often they do not speak from the heart. Which is evident by the way they will not be concern about if you truly find the Lord in the process, just if you follow their lead.

Which will in no way assure you will ever discover anything, but another corner in the maze. That is at times the only place such teachers lead. And learning that lesson can take a life time.


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