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Saturday, February 03, 2007


There is something so medicinal about the times of premeditated seclusion. Those rare moments were one finds a sanctuary from the world and is alone with one's thoughts intentionally.

Solitude enforcement through social banishment only creates a sense of isolation and loneliness that digs at your sense of self-worth. But being alone for the right reasons can be so refreshing at times.

In the silence or steady calm the mind is free from all the distractions that prevail during the clatter of life. Many people seek this time of refuge, but not always for the same reasons.

Some pursuit it as a form of cleansing, but their focus is getting away from it all. They might even regard it as a spiritual diversion, but it is one mean to touch their version of the soul, not necessarily to seek the Lord.

For me, keeping the Lord central in such moments is far more beneficial. The aloneness grants one a chance to listen. It means to really listen with both the heart and soul. It encompasses and touches in a special way and in the process the mind is painted with thoughts you might not otherwise experience or think.

There are some who feel a need to create some special retreat in order to achieve such moments. They will head off to some place of isolation such as the mountain or other retreat to seek this type of experience.

Those options are wonderful if they are available, but they aren't always practical. And it is admittedly hard to achieve in places like where one works or even at home if your life has way too many distractions or interruptions.

I think the soul bears witness at times to when we need this moments more than others. The heart is stirred to need more than chores and other pursuits that don't touch the part of us that is connected to the Lord.

Some try to filter such needs through Sunday morning at a house of worship. It can be beneficial in that regard, but it doesn't always achieve such purpose for a variety of reasons.

If one can't escape the routine, if one's life is too hectic with the symbols that constantly clash in their tones of chaos, then these moments of solitude smiles are even more precious. Finding them is not a chore though.

It may be difficult, but those are the times when we must listen the most to the Lord. For his spirit can point out in the obvious the place of refuge. We may overlook it so easily. And we will always know when we find it. That becomes a quest of choice. But when it is finished, the smiles are obvious.


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