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Tuesday, February 20, 2007


One doesn't have the strength live in the rafters of thought forever. However, as lofty our capacity to see life, the reality is that we can't focus on it with such a power as to avoid the rest of what surrounds.

And the rafters are that place where we our sheltered from exposure to the elements of reality in such a way that it doesn't distract our vision. So we can concentrate in our minds on hearing and seeing with more than our eyes. It is a haven of meditative ability that truly can result in enlightenment when one's mind is focused on the Lord.

Which can truly be a very refreshing and exhilarating experience. Providing one is there to learn and not hide. Rafters being in such case the shelter that works for us and where we are lead by god.

Some only think of that in terms of a house of worship. But God is everywhere and he isn't limited to just bringing us to a dawn of unveiling the truth in a house of worship.

In fact if a given house of worship is too consumed with its own form of distraction it might even work in a negative way in terms of inspiration. There are the places that only want you to see what they decorated. They want to see the ornate rituals they use to mask their desire to control you. They want you to savor their scent of wet paint they insist is so heavenly.

All of it might be true. But there are times when it will in reality drain one's energy. If you are swayed into seeing only a rafter that is one person's opinion rather than painted by God's light it can truly confuse.

Sadly some get so discouraged or hurt by such a process that they confused the acts of man with the will of God. It is easy to do.

That is part of the reason why it is important to see the rafters as only God can inspired. Too many fail to grasp how it is important.

It is that realm of ultimate oneness where God opens your heart and prepares you soul in a special way. It can be a truly moving experience.

But you have to let the Lord inspire and not be distracted by racing to look at whatever in our zeal we figure is the view we are suppose to see. That always takes away from the experience if it doesn't ruin it altogether.

Our fingers laced in focus of the moment. Able to surrender our strength so we feel the oneness of unity that is in harmony with God's purposes.

Only to those who have caressed such moments will the understand the value of rafters that heal and guide by the Lord's hands. Other will simply find the shadow a place of comfort to hide from the truth.


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