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Friday, February 16, 2007


To gaze beyond a single reflection and see the fire fuming within calls a voice not all can hear with time or practice. Tradition's veil masks so many minds till the can not fathom beyond the limitations of their own insecurities.

Some times the Lord sends a breeze of challenge to lift the veil. If we peek beneath it and see the images he wants us to know, then we are blessed.

But some merely close their eyes and never allow the moment to touch. They walk in circles of habit, afraid to step outsides its security for fear they will have to lost control over their pace. Thus is the sadness that is so appalling.

It makes so many victims who never even know they are wounded till their souls bleed to death of passions and life. And when the breath departs of energy and vigor they become a zombie of essence, stuck in a purgatory of their own creation.

Only some never even see the gates or cells of their self-imprisonment because of the darkness covering their souls. God's light shines through any darkness, but you stil have to have the ability to see the light.

For the precious view how open their hearts and pray for God's leading, this becomes the key to moving pass any imprisonment. However, it doesn't come on our timetable, only on his.

By the strides the soul can imagine we move from shame to grace. Do we find the a peace to cover what we fear will leave it naked if we don't cling to as truth or security.

Above it all, God is there and the Lord reaches down to encourage and empower. It is a new sunrise if we let it be.

Or a curse if we don't. That is in part the product of our choices. Only we do have to allow the time to bring us to the point of this creation. It is a new life for each of us.

Once we have face it. Life does remain in turmoil till the fables of our fears evaporate an we reach for God's hand in the distance.

Our Lord and Savior does bring to us the purity of this blessing when we embrace it by his leading. Then a moment is not lost to our ignorance or self-deception.

Being covered by the grace of God shall always be far more of a source of enriching than all the trappings and fuzz of manmade creations. They may warm, but the will not keep the cold of doubts and other forces from creeping into the soul.

Whether we can find the peace from a sincere gaze through God's looking glass will remain in part a question of how much we are willing to simply place our hand in the Lord's and trust him to guide us perfectly.


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