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Saturday, February 17, 2007


Looming shadows fall on all shoulders. Pillars of power have shadows that fall a great distance. You can't ignore them or their meaning. They are everywhere.

But we can avoid letting them control us to some degree. We don't have to allow them to keep us in the dark and unable to see the light.

God grants us spiritual eyes that can pierce such shadows. We can stand in the shade and totally see the light through the power of his Holy Spirit.

But it doesn't mean the ones in power who cast the shadow can see the light. For they are too consumed with the arrogance of thinking their pillars are forever and omnipotent, which they are not.

For those who remain able to let God's eyes touch them, they will not let the shadows keep them blind. Nor is it necessary to force those who think they are in control think otherwise.

There is a difference between having sight and knowing how to see properly. Some forget this and think the sight gives them strength to tear down the pillars. They forget that God built the pillars. Those he gives them too are being watched and will be judged by how they handle such power. Too many sadly in power do not give God credit for this pillar.

But it is up to the Lord to decide how the pillar remains and how sits on top. For those residing in the shadows, the sight is a pledge of hope. A repository upon which one has even more reason to trust God.

It easy to forget all of that at times. It is easy to assume one could improve the pillar or remove it in order to change the shadow or be able to leave the darkness.

However, that is not the purpose. Sometimes we just have to learn to walk where we are called and savor the moment accordingly.

To see what others never see is a blessing. But it should never lead to arrogance. If it does the vision loses its value.

Then one can end up with the vision growing dim to a point you can even see as well as before. The darkness of the shadows can become such a blindness. Only you just never have the ability to even notice.

Moving ahead from the shadows when following the Lord never is possible by one's own strength and vision. However, it is hard to always appreciate or accept that without God's help one is not better that the person who is on the pillar.

Light is only light when it brings the life intended. Some will never see no matter how hard they look.


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