Enough is a curse word to the insecure. It is a toxin to the dreamer and a sin to the overachiever. Above all it is a nebulous fairyland that most of us are never sure if we have found.
There is no such thing as an adequate definition for the word that everyone would agree upon. Enough for some would not be the same as for others.
And more is also in that same realm. After all, to want more when you are rich is something totally different than when you are poor.
The one thing we do appreciate is that in this life more will never be an issue by the Lord that is treated with parity or equality. There will always be rich and poor. God never said that would cease to be a reality while sin claims its dominion over the world.
Still, what isn't answered by that reality is the issue of human responsibility. If we were so inclined I'm sure we could end such things as poverty in the world.
However, we know that too will never happen. But does it mean that it is wrong to accept a level of more in your own life while others starve?
That is a question that has many different opinions. We do know that if one hand was to give away all of its possessions it would not change the world entirely.
While one can debate with fervor and conscience the fate of the world and human responsibility, we do know our calling is not to save the world, but let God's light guide us as is our strength. That can be a simple has helping a single soul to healing an entire nation.
Error is the indifference that doesn't do what is the call upon the heart. It is turning a deaf ear to whatever it the Lord's leading as in so many other situations.
We ignite life in its meaning when we listen and obey. It is when we swim in the torrid and tempest river of life as is our inheritance.
It is not building a raft for ourselves that tries to let us see ourselves as other than part of the river. Some chose that path, but it is really God's desire?
There is never a single answer to all questions as they apply to the human heart. But we can with God's help find the answers he intends for us.
Then our hand becomes an extension of his spirit and he share the love he gives so freely to us, not in a contrive way, but with sincerity. What prevails is the simple and quite flow of God's will where his desires are more important than our ego.
When we see it clearly, there is blessing. When we feel it correctly, there is love.
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