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Monday, February 05, 2007


When the shadows of night thoughts swallow one's soul, it doesn't always have to end in tears. Even in a prison there are moments in between the torment when one is given a period of respite.

The darkness may not always be avoidable. Unlike the places that shine, evil creates a natural darkness and because sin does rule the world there will always be so many places it occurs naturally.

The problem is that darkness for the senses and soul can dominate in the middle of light. Some of the worst forms of darkness can occupy places where one thinks only light occurs.

To appreciate the darkness requires eyes to see with spiritual sight. This is not some ethereal gaze, but insight that senses when the origins of given power source are from the Lord and when they are not. It is far less mysterious or complicated than some perceive.

And ironically, some of those who make a big deal of boasting about having such abilities are often totally blind in terms of real sight. Many simply lack the vision so they depend upon thought or reason, which is never the same.

That is why there can be so many false teachers who fake things like miracles and yet can attract huge crowds. The people look only with their natural eyes and not their souls.

But beyond this obvious territory of darkness, there are the places marked by the devil, which he will make to appear as religious or spiritual. It is the message shared the counts. It is the one that you have to be able to perceived.

And for the true follow of Christ you can be sure there will be plenty of times you can find yourself in darkness some insist is a place of God. And the people there are so deceived, so utterly blind to the truth they will regard you as a stumbling block to the truth for not agreeing with their point of view.

Despite the chaos. Despite the curses and abuse inflicted upon the redeemed in such situations the good news is that God can still touch our lives.

And in the midst of all the lies and clamor from dark sources, God can comfort and give strength. Satan will seek to abuse, he will seek to make you question your faith and even salvation. He has no shortage of deceived he can send your way to shower you with criticisms and doubt.

But the great news is how God is in loving kindness will enable one in the darkness. He can strengthen. He will not remove the darkness in this life for it is a place of testing. But he will grant us the means to hear his voice despite the storm of evil that surrounds us. And then we can rejoice over his love, pray for those who think they are saved and are not. All the time knowing in Heaven there is the joy of being without darkness forever.


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