I don't think that if someone claims to be spiritual, but doesn't really represent the Lord that you can expect they will start wearing a sign to proclaim this fact. It can definitely be so confusing at times to try and cope with so many voices and teachings that all claim to be inspired.
It might less confusing if they didn't contradict each other. But this even happens without a given belief system. I don't know of any group that is so much in accord that they totally agreed on everything.
One can honestly wonder why the Lord allows so much diversity and false teaching to exist when we know in so doing it only deters the capacity to know what is true. I wish I had a text book answer to that question, but the truth is I could only speculate on that issue in all fairness.
I do believe that God is omniscient and therefore there is a wisdom to this situation that I simply can't fathom. Nor is it necessarily critical that I do have a perfect understanding of the Lord's plan and purposes in this situation.
And while I can not and won't exchange in some kind of finger pointing exercise to try and say believe this and not this, I do feel that God's way are far more clear that at times we might imagine. By that I mean I feel that with the Lord, his ways will ultimate be one that will draw us closer to him. That he will guide us towards that goal.
Teachings that are abusive and espouse a form of hatred to me will never be from God regardless of what doctrine the represent. I do not believe God is the author or inspiration behind such believes. Those who claim he does to me are not really listening to his voice.
In the Christian sphere, I feel the Lord does have the right to guide as he wishes. And when we submit to his Lordship that means our needs become secondary to his will.
But I don't feel that means we are going to be lead to some place that completely is abusive. There is more than one voice that has for the sake of gain attempted to make their followers accept a level of sacrifice and hardship that isn't always God's doing in my opinion.
So what is other than divine can include a great many things we presume are from the Lord at times. However, I do feel if our heart is in earnest to know the truth, then he will answer our prayer for understanding.
The hard part is accepting the answer if it happens to disagree with what we personally want. That becomes a difficult choice sometimes. But the great joy is when we do, the Lord is so merciful to help us along the path to the place he has prepared for us. As long as we don't insist upon stopping for a picnic on some tangential snack that has not real spiritual nutrition, but just is easy to swallow.
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