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Thursday, January 11, 2007


Haunting in the seams of the spirit are the memories of those special times of joy. They come into the life with an extra zeal of intensity.

Such can come from so many sources, but the ones for me that touch the deepest come in from a spiritual source. They are the one's I seem to remember the best.

What for me makes them special is because they are link to some obedience that is related to the Lord. It gives the moment a more enduring and higher purpose. So the warmth felt inside truly gives a laughter that is deeper and more touching than those driven by some sentimental essence.

Those who haven't tasted of this type of experience might not always understand that. They would probably treat is as nothing more than a form of nostalgia. It can be that to a degree, but it can also be a whole lot more.

Laughter has such a medicinal quality at times. But there are those elements that make us smile in a temporary way and those that will revive a smile when relived at a later day.

Of those moments most precious if it relates to this life and its realm of senses, it can warm, but one is truly conscious that it doesn't extend beyond this life. So, it can produce a chuckle, just not one that will always linger time and time.

I hoping not to be vague in that regard, just to touch with the idea that there can be more to joy than what is transitory. And substitutions will leave us hollow to some point. At least in comparison to eternity.

That is my opinion naturally. But I have felt it. And there are so many times that life turns sour and the dogs of despair start howling. Then it when I love to reflect upon that residue of laughter as my repository of sustenance.

Many has been the time when life has some downturn and this knowledge truly blesses. It is the calm to face the burning of crisis and valley.

At the moment this particular thought has a special meaning since a plan I was working on just fell through. It wasn't that critical, but I was savoring the chance at a few smiles from the fruit.

Duty ended up bearing down upon my life and schedule. It doesn't provide any laughter, but one way I found to not let the sighs turn to cries.

What sired an ease in the strain of the disappointment? A memory of a moment of filling. That was a simple pause in circumstances where I felt the hand of the Lord touch so dramatically. This gives a chortle sublime in my thoughts. It allows me to face the disappointment more calm and cherish the reality of when life would again grant me another residue of laughter.


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