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Friday, December 22, 2006


Who we really are is not something of purely image. It isn't the matter of our words or the pretense we succeed in wearing as a mask.

It is what lies within. And that is something God is much better at seeing than the rest of us.

I think the greatest test of what we cherish and value lies in the choices we make that are done in secret. If we truly think nobody will see us, the actions we take reflect what is really important to us.

Anyone can cultivate a loving and caring persona when seen by a crowd. But it is a lot harder to inspire when you know that no one will be there to shout your accolades for goodness.

For some reason there are way too many people who claim to believe in God, but never let the fact that they believe in him prevent them from committing crimes or immoral acts when they think there are no witnesses. It is tantamount to somebody who goes to church on Sunday and acts all pious in front of witnesses, but then steals, lies and does other sinful acts on Monday when they are back at their office.

God sees both settings. But there are so many times it boggles my mind how I've known so many who felt quite comfortable excusing their sin as somehow being okay. And that seems especially true when you are speaking of something involving money.

I think God will often lead people to places in the dark to tests out hearts. I don't think he does it because he enjoys seeing us sin or expects us to be perfect and sinless.

But it is how we cope with that sin, which he really is testing. For even though sin is sin there are the times when we sin in ways that are impulse and others that are premeditated.

To devote oneself to intentionally lying and stealing from others is to be without any real conscience. Those under the influence of the Holy Spirit will at least feel the pangs of guilt from when we do something wrong.

It doesn't mean we won't sin, just that we will see it for the sin that it is and take it to the Lord in full knowledge of our need for forgiveness. However, for those who are totally surrendered over to such sins and are not trusting in Jesus as Lord and Savior by faith, they will have no trouble rationalizing such behavior.

What a pity they have no idea that they have in fact failed God's test. They will no doubt go on to live lives that on the surface may even earn them reputations as "good Christians." Sadly, in the Lord's presence all the games of deception played will not impress him. We will be naked of our excuses and end in either clothed because of our faith in his forgiving robe of righteousness or told to depart as workers of inequity that he never knew. I would rather be tested of the heart in the closet and know God is there than to play a game that only leads to a finish line of eternal judgment.


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