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Tuesday, December 26, 2006


It never ceases to amaze me how often when you strip away the lies and deception money really does end up being the all-consuming desire for some lives. But of deeper significance is the fact that when one says, money, it goes way beyond dollars and sense.

It is the essence of whatever brings a profit of some kind into a life. There are some who view themselves as not being greedy. They are rich and therefore don't consider themselves in any way to be lovers of money.

But the truth is they do still love money to the point of making it a god in some ways in their lives. That can be a reflection by how they deal with such things as needs. By that I mean, do they merely take all the time and never give back at all?

There are those who are completely destitute in life. They truly have such a great need. However, even in that condition there can be a difference between the attitude that is truly grateful for any help and the one that looks at what is given and then only thinks in terms of asking for more.

I think there are times when that core of desire ends up coloring a person's actions. And that is even truer in spiritual realms.

You can have people who give an outwards appearance of being generous and caring. However, if you listen to them boast about their good deeds you soon appreciate it is sadly just a pretense. A mask worn to cover up the reality what they are doing is for the approval of men.

It is so much easier to think only in terms of just dollars and sense rather than the gold that controls one's heart. That makes it a form of wealth related to a profit that doesn't necessarily get associated with selfishness or greed. However, it really is part of the same cocoon of insecurity that too many of us wrap ourselves in.

That is why too me there are times when as a test of our obedience I think God will have us serve him without reward. If we truly love the Lord then whether we profit in this life from our faithfulness shouldn't be the priority.

Still, the truth often shines through our masks. Regardless of our words and other efforts to clothe what is on the inside, it really doesn't work.

For the Lord sees in those dark shadows and knows our motivations. Call it a prejudice on my part, but I sometimes wonder if I see someone who is affluent and has their needs met, plus there wants who speaks of how great the Lord is would do the same if they were suffering.

Long is the journey without any fanfare. It doesn't mean God isn't there. It merely means we are part of a great company who toil by faith and trust to the Lord for his mercy in terms of our provision. Pity it isn't a journey as many truly make as they claim.


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