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Monday, December 25, 2006


I think it would be wonderful if legends that we enjoy were always real. But so often it seems that they are more myths. We color what is perhaps drab and less than perfect with this image of it being flawless and almost divine.

Why? Well I imagine it does make something like the idea of a hero more believable when the person is larger than life. As long as we don't end up seeing them without their mask, which can often happen.

There are places in our world where we do need our heroes. It always helps to be able to have those occasions when we have faith that right will prevail against wrong.

It might not happen as often as we like, but it doesn't keep us from hoping. And as a writer I have done my share of inventing heroes and legends myself.

Only I guess I can't keep reality completely out of my fiction since my legends are generally a little on the dark side or have some tragic twist. That's just my slant I suppose.

Because we do so often have those elements of fantasy in our culture it does, I think, guard some against believing anything we see as supernatural from being other than fake. There are those who on the other hand search twice as hard for the essence of legends and lore since life is often so devoid of magic.

Which I think is in part why some have a tendency to place the spiritual realm in the category of legends. I can't blame them for that inclination given how most believe systems do espouse tenets that aren't always easy to see as reality instead of fiction.

As a Christian I naturally have struggled with trying to make Christianity not end up being treated as merely legend. Like many of the faith it is for me reality and truth.

But getting someone who want to lump it into the realm of fantasy and legend along with every other spiritual teaching just never seems comfortable listening to any opinions that might alter that view. Oh there are plenty who do definitely try to dissuade others that Jesus is in fact the divine son of God and worthy of being our lord and Savior. But you just don't get everyone to embrace it as other than legend.

For myself, well, I'll still keep accept that as reality and the scriptures as true. I will do my best to appreciate how even in Christianity there are those that have added some legends to the truth. Our faith is not exempt from certain myths.

I won't waste time elaborating on that part. Other than to say, I believe God's spirit can guide us to the truth and what is legend verse what is fact. I prefer to accept that reality to the one whereby I just accept all legends, no matter how bizarre that are mentioned about Jesus as true. We are called to share the truth and that means being willing to know legends thrive even in the midst of truth.


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