I went to this street fair once where they had a table with people claiming to teach others how read dreams. Somewhere in the middle of our conversation they did make a few references to the bible. But they were never very clear on if their references were intended to be related to faith or just a convenience.
I could have prodded more I suppose, but my gut reaction was that it was mainly focus on mystical rather than spiritual aspects of dream. Interpreting them more for the sake of understanding than seeing any relevance to eternity or God in the process.
Does God truly speak through dreams? I believe he does at times. There are references to such in the scriptures. But it wasn't something that happened all the time and to everyone.
Admittedly, dreams can come from a variety of sources and no doubt Satan can also touch our minds to some degree. He does have boundaries on his actions, but it doesn't mean he can visit us in that arena.
I think it is interesting that it appears few if any ever give thought to Satan stopping by during our sleep time through one of his minions to confuse or misguide. Some people truly regard their dreams as inspired. And they may very well be.
Yet, I have known way too people who end up deciding God has spoken to them, yet what comes out of their mouths is utterly unbelievable. It really leaves me to wonder at times if too many folks don't end up being easily swayed by what they assume is from the Lord. They never seriously seek in prayer to ask him to confirm the experience as being genuine.
Being a writer means I am prone to a very creative process of thinking. So dreams for me often go way beyond reality in terms of being bizarre and without any seeming relevance to life.
I have also had the occasional vision. Nothing flashy, more like a knowing that this was intended for a reason.
There have been times that I have prayed for understanding in terms of a given dream. And God has on occasion answer the prayer by giving me an interpretation.
The one thing I have observed is that if God brings the interpretation it always agrees with his word. And not by my own prejudices, but by a standard of truth I'm force to accept because I know it is from the Lord.
I pray that God will always work for each of us in terms of helping us know the times when he uses dreams as a form of message. And also to embrace the times, no matter how fantastic the dream, that is nothing more than our fantasies working overtime. Hopefully we can be content with the reality, regardless.
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