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Sunday, October 08, 2006


The air is alive with a pure, refreshing scent of euphoria
as an astral projected conscious swims a turquoise sea of light
in a waking sense of being stripped of all illusions and inhibitions
while feeling that incredible and intoxicating glorious rush of inner peace
to replace the pain scaring stains of life that are now galaxies away.

Beyond the aqua ocean so full of profound illumination
one comes to the gap between the two mountains of jagged singing stones.
They call out to the soul with a melodious chorus of calming discovery
before one reaches the vast plain of soothing emerald sands.

Its grains are the timeless storehouse of cosmic secrets
which radiate into every part of the pilgrim's essence
till the visitor feels an inexorable oneness and harmony
from knowing unity and a sense of balance with all things living.

Above the sky teems with visions of the dance between luminosity and sky
before they fade to unveil the vivid images of other worlds
where previous sojourners have gone to live in perfect bliss.

Passed the plain there lies the jeweled city of golden shimmer
ruled by the ageless and omniscient guardians of the universe.
They wait to welcome each spirit
into their glistening, crystalline citadels of cerebral incandescent
allowing unto each mortal a new beginning in a new reality
forever knowing a fiery passion burning with a consuming joy
clothing the naked being in complete honesty and truth
finally and thankfully free to be


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