There is part of me that feels we should always as follows of Christ put him in the forefront of life and not ourselves. It is his sacrifice on the Cross that is what really counts and no matter how great we might thing we are, can we honestly feel our calling or service to the Lord could ever rival his own redeeming act?
I do wonder though that despite the fact this is an obvious reality for the believer, there just are those that sadly get caught with their own idea of accomplishment. It all means so little compare to the work of the Lord.
Which is why I think there are times we need to pause and not forget what it really means to be a Christian. It isn't about us, it is about our Lord.
We serve to point the way, but we really can't save anyone. That doesn't mean we aren't to witness, only that it is God who does the saving through the power of his holy spirit.
Behind the Cross is that place of accountability. It is the point of knowing and humility where we know the shadow of the Cross doesn't hide our sins, it is the place where they are covered.
I have known far too many people I'm afraid that seemed to have lost appreciation for this reality. They get so caught up feeling so righteous and celebrating their delusion of goodness that they completely lose any ability to see that only the Lord's righteousness will matter in eternity.
The crossroad between arrogance and humility is full of detours. It is so easy to get side tracked by the self. And Satan will definitely help us along the way.
Above all to me behind the cross is the vigilance of one, not many. There are a host who join us, but it is still about our relationship with the Lord and what is brewing in our heart.
It is regrettable that it is even necessary to spend time reflecting on this aspect of human nature. But we could never be human and not have the weakness of pride occasionally touch our lives.
Beyond the altar of self-realization, pass the confessional of confrontation and mar, stands the Cross. Sometimes the step we take to reach behind the cross are difficult and challenging. We have to learn to shed the weight of seeing ourselves as what is most important and remember our Lord is after all our Lord.
I pray I will always remember that truth myself and not get lost somewhere in the wasteland of self pursuits. It is easy to get lost where we think light is from above and it is merely an illusion. Celebrating being free is to also celebrate we have a Lord. It is not celebrating our strength, but the strength we possess as a result of the Lord's spirit gracing our lives.
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