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Thursday, September 28, 2006


There is an old saying that beauty is in they eye of the beholder. Yet, I also remember the words of Shakespeare who said, "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet."

I think the essential comment in that regard is how perception affects us in terms of our thinking. And beauty is no exception. Which is my way of focusing on the simple fact that what we define in some arenas becomes in our minds truth on that subject.

That in reality doesn't mean it is absolute truth. Perhaps in that regard I am saying the obvious to some.

The only reason I feel a need is because it does grief me to see how this impacts the spiritual realm. In the last few months my wife and I have been dealing with this one particular person out of necessity. What has made it the most difficult is the person is sadly one of the most unethical and lying individuals I've known in my life. And naturally, whenever you point out to this person a lie the individual told the person lies about lying, which is even more frustrating.

I am grateful that we our dealings with this person are for the most part over. There are still some gray areas of response on our part to some of this person's actions that might lead to some legal aspects in terms of us suing this person, but otherwise we are free from involvement.

What is truly unfortunate is to see how this person makes a major issue about going to church. The idea being naturally that this somehow makes the person a good person.

If only the truth was close to this fact. Instead it is just an excuse like too many this person uses to create the illusion and charade of being someone good and decent while in reality having a very black and ugly heart.

I'm also aware how this person has no clue that ultimately God will hold the person accountable for such behavior. Sin, when not covered by the blood of Christ by one's faith, is never forgiven.

You can't offset sin with good works. That is another tragedy. I've seen it too often when a person somehow things doing a good deed in any way makes up for any wrong they have done. It doesn't earn any degree of forgiveness.

But there are so many who somehow are convinced they can stand before God and lift up the pitiful examples of their idea of good deeds and it will outweigh the burden of their sin. They will find out as the scriptures paint it so well that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of god.

I'm truly grateful for being able to learn the difference. To not allow myself to play the game of flowering charades when I know that God sees what is in my heart that is other than beautiful. Perhaps the greatest joy is just having God's spirit created what is his idea of beauty instead of my feeble attempts of righteousness.


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