I was in a church that was a member of a major denomination. Its congregation was predominately conservative and was inclined towards traditional values. This was during the time when the charismatic renewal fad was sweeping through many churches.
This fad seemed to become focused in our church on the issue of raising one’s hands as a form of praise during the worship service. That might seem like a trivial issue, but for those who has sudden become spiritually intoxicate by the ale of “emotionalism” this might have well been an criteria for salvation.
I don’t think it would have been so bad if they had simply been content to participate in the expression for themselves. However, those who were involved seem to make it their duty to help the rest of us “see the light.” Naturally, not everyone saw the need to expression their praise in such a manner. Which resulted in a major form of strive in the church and ultimately the pastor and his more spiritual followers left the church. They claimed they had to find a place where people were more receptive to the leading of God’s spirit.
Eventually they did find another church in which to practice their own version of spirituality. Only it didn’t attract any other followers. In time the pastor left the ministry and the members disbanded to find some other house of worship in which to participate. A few even returned to the original church, but they never actually stay very long.
It is so sad when such differences end up dividing and destroying the harmony of a group of believers. I think in terms of faith, it is important were try to be obedient to how the Lord leads. Everyone is different and none of us is capable of truly understanding the intimacy of another person relationship with the Lord.
But in the process what happens is the precarious balance between understanding how God guides us verses how it is meant as a test of our obedience. To follow the Lord as he leads is the call upon each believer’s life. To translate that into some tradition that applies to all followers is to take it to a level that isn’t always God’s will.
Ultimately, it is all in the arms. The Lord’s arms where he comforts us and guides us according to our will.
May it become a song within our hearts. A melody of praise where we lift up our souls as a willing instrument to be used for the Lord’s glory.
And perhaps along the way enjoy the simple silence of letting God’s spirit speak through our lives instead of just our lips. Then our arms can work the purposes of his desire rather than the will of our own mind.
I pray we find the happy medium between listening and obedience without too many pit stops at the oasis of self. May it guide and inspire as only his spirit can bring light.
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