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Friday, May 26, 2006


As a writer and having a writer’s imagination I doubt the day will ever come when I don’t spend a great deal of time in the realm of fantasy. I suppose I could say it is an excuse, but at the same time for me I view my writing as also a calling. To that degree I feel very comfortable letting my mind drift between this realm and thoughts of eternity. Sometimes they come via a bridge of “light” and I discover something that helps me see what I didn’t know.

To others, I suppose my life would hardly be considered as exciting. I never take vacations and with spiraling gas prices I am learning is slowly evolving around staying home more and more. Outside of work and family demands, my life consists of exercise and writing both as a leisure and act of faith.

Yet despite the simplistic and lack of variation I seldom feel all that bored. I honestly find so much joy in the process of creation that I just don’t feel deprived by the lack of other diversions.

I’m not suggesting that my lifestyle is better than others. Merely attempt to share how even when one’s life is confined in some way, it can with the Lord’s help still have joy.

I would be lying if I said I never longed to travel and explore other parts of the world. I would also love to be in a position as a writer where I could live by what I write. I’m sure most writers have that dream. And like most writers, I am aware that it will probably stay more a dream than a reality.

Still, being aware of this doesn’t curtail my enthusiasm. It doesn’t make me feel cheated because what I write is seen by few rather than many. God’s grace grants me the calm and peace to savor his touch of joy despite the accolades.

So when life seems to ebb away without a point and we feel cheated of our dreams, listen. Grant the Lord the opportunity to open one’s eyes to the clouds where one can fly in the midst of the valley. The journey truly is far more enriched than we can image if we watch for his leading.

Perhaps the silence of our ache of longing, we can discover the beauty within that we may have missed in our haste to find that path others would admire. Some accumulate great riches and never find that path. Other’s never even bother to look.

For the few who do and God graces the moment a smile can shine through the haze of our misunderstanding. We can learn by Paul’s example and discover how in all states to learn contentment. It is not the scenery that can purge our discord. Instead is the blossoms within our heart as they face towards God that gives life and joy where others find only unrest for their passions.

May the Lord touch as only he can with the light that warms in the coldness of our sadness. May peace be the banner we find in the absence of chasing mirages and rainbows.


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