We can’t always preserve that reservoir of thought and emotions from spilling over during moments when storms eat our serenity. Nor is it realistic to feel impervious to the touch of what ices over our sense of control. Some force or experience that reaches into the very core of our being and chills us to the bone with a terrible awakening over our fragile side.
How often we try so hard to preserve some illusion of reliance. As if God isn’t capable of rendering us handicapped to life if it is the only way we can learn the truth about ourselves.
Where do we wander when the light of day shines to bright so what we see repulse us? The landscape may remind us of how we are citizens in a realm where perfection doesn’t exist. That is a painful gaze if we have managed to erect some castle of lies in which to dwell.
But no matter how much we succeed in that game, we never win in the war of deception forever. Sooner or later it will became our master and we will end up spending our time trying to clean up the spills of veracity that leak from life’s well. It shakes us to the core when we have no choice, but to take off that mask and see what is really in the mirror.
The dynamics of conclusion, which is the door that we pass in our labyrinth of thought is a process that differs from soul to soul. And it is so easy to get lost in the process when we don’t have any balance in our approach from the use of the right kind of compass.
From generation to generation we have had the precious give of his compass in the form of his revealed word. The most blessed revelation being how we are all loved as we are.
That is a truth we don’t all embrace to the degree that truly should spill over onto our lives. God knows what chills our soul in terms of weaknesses. But he cares about us anyway. So why do we prevent that glorious reality from washing over us and spill some true joy into our lives? I do wonder at times.
Instead of such reality warming us and guiding us to a pivotal point of inner guiding, we hide in our rituals and religiosity. We hold up the spiritually putrid essence of our own righteousness and think that any works we do that we define as good will in anyway erase the reality of our sin.
Forgiveness is never a promise or redemption based on our works other than the act of faith where we put our trust in Jesus as our Lord and Savior. But the game continues and lives far too chilled from the spill of their sins over their conscious sit in the pews feasting upon a contrived snack of justification by works bartering. They forget that God has his own idea of good deeds. And we can never achieve any works that will in way compete with his perfect means of working his will no matter how much we think our hands our clean.
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