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Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Is it wrong to have doubts and questions as a Christian with regards to eternity and the Lord? There are some for whom the answer would be yes. They are uncomfortable seeing anything spiritual that isn’t concrete and black and white.

But the honest answer I feel it that there will always elements to life that we can’t know for certainty. Even if God was to send and angel to teach us I don’t imagine we would ever have every answer we seek in this life time.

Neither do I regard this to be an unfair or unrealistic aspect to life. How can we truly fathom all that life is and all that eternity will be from our limited sense of vision? It isn’t realistic.

That doesn’t mean I enjoy struggling with trying to accept what I can’t or are unable to know. There are plenty of times in my life when some catastrophe has occurred that I have admittedly wondered about God’s presence in my life. This is made even more challenging by the times when I never learn the reason why some crisis occurred.

With understanding there can at least come some piece. But when about when there is no way you can make sense out of the suffering?

This is not to suggest that God doesn’t know the reason. Just that he doesn’t always chose to reveal it to us. And like too many situations the answer will be one we won’t know too clearly until we stand before him.

To that end I pose the question also, when we stand before the Lord will we suddenly be given perfect sight and understanding? I think that is the common perception of heaven. Personally I am not sure if it is an instantaneously process.

After all when we have all eternity to learn and understand is it critical that we must know everything immediately. Perhaps in our view, but I don’t think that necessarily is the Lord’s priority.

It is sort of like asking the question of what Heaven is like? We are given glimpses, but not the kind of details that make it totally comprehendible in this life. That is not surprising given the reality that we are talking about a realm where this is no time.

The quest to light the flame of faith in one’s life is different for each person. What makes sense to one person doesn’t always apply to somebody else. God is a personal god and knows our individual needs. Which to me includes granting the simple honest to accept that being human means we have the right to be imperfect and have doubts.

Sad it the person who refuses out of pride or vanity to accept that the life have faith has detours and times when we stumble. Peace never comes through such self-deceptions. But then honestly is often sacrificed when one refused to see as only God’s spirit can grant vision.


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