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Saturday, May 20, 2006


The fount of knowing has many different springs. Some refresh more than others. There are those with pure refreshment that can truly cleanse the mind with insight. And then there are others where they seem to purge us with wisdom, but it truly doesn’t bring any “hydration” to our thoughts or soul.

Jesus once had a conversation with a woman at a well that revolved around his teaching her about refreshment that was more than just for the body. And that is truly a well far more different and special that any usual types of wells.

It is hard to always appreciate how they are different though. Some times people look upon the Christian message and even Jesus and don’t see how they are different from religions. Efforts upon the part of believers to explain the difference never inspire some individuals to taste the flow from the well. They just think it is “another” religion and Jesus as a good and wise teacher.

Along the way the reality is people will always have a spiritual thirst. That doesn’t mean they will appreciate it. For the body doesn’t scream for something to drink. It is more of a “felt” response or inner surge of need.

So instinctively people will search for the well to drink into their souls. They might not be willing to concede how that is the essence of their quest, but they will search any way.

Such a quest often ends with leading in a lot of directions where the refreshment is satisfying to some degree, but it never quenches the soul’s thirst. And since we are all different, there are some who will never make the connection between that inner restlessness and the emptiness of vain pursuit as they soul dying of thirst.

Thus is life pursued. Some finding the way to the well of wells and tasty of the Holy Spirit’s life giving water with joy and awareness of it being different than any other you can taste.

Others will pass by and never give it a thought. They are too busy looking for some revelatory “bottled” water than comes in an appealing package. Even though it may never taste quiet as satisfying they think it is just as good.

Then there are those who come to other wells. Those belonging to teachers of a different form of spirituality. It fits their palette and so they feel satisfied.

It is hard to say though at times, which is more unfortunate. Those trying to live on the bottle water of self-reliance or the flow for wells other than the well of wells offered by the Lord.

For myself, I’m happy just taking a drink provided by the Lord. I didn’t create it, but when I drink, I’m always satisfied.


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