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Friday, January 13, 2006


As a writer, day dreaming is something that happens without any effort. I’m sure most of us have fantasies, but for one with a proclivity towards story until recreating reality is almost second nature. My mind often drifts into some tale or other version of creativity. And when it does if the process gets consuming enough I literally will block out any awareness of my surrounding. (That isn’t recommended while driving, but I do confess that there are moments when the line of red tail lights in front of me lulls me into a moment of invention.)

Regardless of whether one is a writer or not, imaging and dreaming can still serve a beneficial purpose if properly channel and for the right reason. That is providing one doesn’t allow such dreams to become something one substitutes for reality. Then it becomes a form of denial, which is a vehicle to avoid facing the truth of a given situation.

To strike a balance between the mural of hope and possibilities that sires a willingness to keep trying and also trusting from the times one simply uses a dream to escape misery can be challenging. Sometimes it is great release, but if it becomes to much of habit then it can be more harmful than helpful.

God’s sight from his spirit always begins within our soul. It can blend and twist around reality while adding some aspect or dimension of an ethereal hue. However it is so critical to be able to discern the difference from real inspiration and his genuine voice and the one we conjure for the sake of our own desires.

How do we truly filter out the times it is our heart speaking and not God’s voice? Sometimes it can only happen with simple practice. Others it is a matter of being wiling to ask the difficult question, “what does the Lord really desire in this situation?”

Does that mean that by asking that question as a prayer or petition with real sincerity guarantees we will get the correct answer in every situation? The truth is no. We are still humans and make mistakes. And no matter how hard we try there are times our mortal minds will error in the answers we accept.

Still it is far more fruitful to search earnestly for God’s wisdom and leading. For in doing so we pause to honestly accept that impulse is the path often carries the greatest liability.

May the light of God’s wisdom truly shine into every corner of our thoughts. May it grace us with patience to wait for the right answer. To bless us with the humility to also choose to accept when we make a mistake. And the strength to continue trusting even when our labor seems futile.

Upon the day, we shall walk hand in hand in the radiance of God’s pure grace. Ever allowing the chorus of heaven’s promise drown out the moans and groans of our doubts. I pray that becomes the song we hear the most.


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