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Tuesday, January 03, 2006


This last week my wife and I had to deal with this one company that supposedly exists to service the needs of people in a special way. They don’t do it for free, but the idea is they try to provide this help to those who find themselves seeking such assistance.

I’m not going to make this posting “personal” by talking just about this company, but the idea is that with this service they try and cultivate and image of being “sensitive” and “compassion” in their customer service. Ironically my wife and I found ourselves unexpectedly in need of their services some time ago and I felt they did an adequate job for the cost. Of course the key word in all of that was “cost.” Basically they were being paid so they cared.

However last week I had to contact them because I needed their help in a way that was different than usual. Part of their daily function had ended up unintentionally in violated my rights in a project I was undertaking. The remedy wasn’t a difficult one or one they couldn’t have accomplished without difficulty, but the problem was they weren’t being “paid” to render assistance. It was more an issue of a moral issue of doing what was proper and ethical. Naturally cooperation wasn’t exactly what I would describe as their response.

While I am still exploring ways of solving this problem it did amaze me that people who were so callous and genuinely indifferent to people’s needs would pursue some a career where it was expected. It just seem that they would be better suited to a job where such elements aren’t necessary. At least that was my feeling on the subject.

In the spiritual realm, we do face a similar issue at times. And it can be so difficult to yield our will to the Lord’s wisdom when our ego gets involved.

I think back to the times when I ended up dealing with someone who was a pastor, but didn’t honestly seem to have a pastor’s heart or sense of love or compassion. The individual had a lot of abilities and no doubt would have been very good in some capacity that serve the lord, but didn’t involve ministering to people. Normally I discovered that such people seldom remained pastors for very long. Too many conflicts and moments when their indifference and lack of love become obvious generally seemed to end up with them pursuing a different career.

Above all, I think the Lord doesn’t call us to any task unless we are first gifted and anointed to such a calling. It isn’t an issue of what the calling happens to be, it is simply an issue of accept his will.

That at times means yielding one’s ego and accepting that the best in our situation is to serve the Lord in a position that isn’t in the limelight. We are after all to be obedient to his will. If we are faithful at whatever his our true calling even if it is in the shadows. then in eternity it will shine as a reward.

May God grant us each the heart to yield to his perfect choice. And the joy to be warmed by his blessing regardless of what the world sees.


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