I have come to the painful conclusion that one can’t fly without any pain. And it seems that the higher or longer the flight the great the risk of storms.
I am referring to the area of spiritual flights and not by any airplane. For our soul will at times be caught up by the power of God’s breath through his holy spirit. It will take us by those wings of faith into the reminder clouds of his presence and inspiration.
Yet one can’t take such journeys with an unblemished conscious. There are the thorns of pride and pain that dig at us with Satan’s help to try and keep our flight from being stable and as beneficial as possible.
For me this often means days, which are more like a rollercoaster than anything purely a soothing balm of revealing. It just seems the closer I get to touching some “cloud” of illumination with the Lord’s help that Satan will stir up some adversary to distract and corrupt the journey.
God doesn’t always remove the thorns. He instead gives the strength to endure the pain and find peace in his higher purpose.
The other day I was at work and generally I have several hours of monitoring the phones, which often don’t ring for quite a while. During the hiatus of routine I devote the time to whatever writing the Lord inspires. And this particular day I felt lead to work on a given piece of writing.
But the whole day was dogged by an incredible number of emergencies. So it provide a continuous thicket of thorns that intruded on my flight.
That night I return home emotionally and physically drained. Yet the thorns didn’t stop. They just took a different form.
However later, there came a precious lucid moment in the midst of the angst and I touch a very special cloud that meant more than any of the thorns. It wasn’t heaven, but it did help to revive my ailing spirit and see the thorns and those who created them for their true identity.
The next day was more balance. My journey not quite as high, but the thorns not quite as stinging either.
What I rejoice over is how the Lord brings into my waking those little lights of calm assurance that replace the sadness. At times it also grants me a sense of vision over how God deals with those who serve as thorns.
Eventually like all thorns, they end up being consumed by God’s judgment fire. Too bad in this life they have no idea they are “dead souls.” However I appreciate that if they did know they might not be a thorn in the first place.
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