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Friday, December 30, 2005


There are contrasts in scripture, paradoxes and comparison where the opposite of what we believe is actually true. For example, while the scriptures don’t admonish having riches, they do speak of how the love of money is the root of all evil. And there are a number of places such as the parable of Lazarus and the rich man that don’t exactly suggest that having your heaven on earth is necessarily always a blessing.

My point is not to try and argue against wealth, but merely illustrate the times when what we think is correct or true doesn’t mean that God sees it that way. Such is the case with the comment our Lord of how in eternity there will be some of the “last” that shall be first and some of the first that shall be last.

I’ve always felt this was in essence a source of comfort. For it means that regardless of how the world sees us, greatness with the Lord is based on a whole different set of criteria. Personally I have no illusions about being part of the first. I think that is a place of honor that will reserved for those with far more faith than I will ever have.

However for myself the comfort comes from knowing that when I am forced to trod downwards instead of up in human terms that God sees my journey just that same. It helps to make the sojourn that some will regard as a punishment in better perspective.

The big problem is knowing all of that and not surrendering to the accusing inner voices stirred by the father of lies that want you to think you should treat such an experience as something negative. That too me doesn’t mean we don’t have a right to be upset or feel stress out when our live has some downturn. Some people would imply that kind of honesty is a lack of faith. I consider lying to yourself and thinking God doesn’t recognize the truth as a bigger problem.

So look up with traveling reluctantly down that rocky path of uncertainty. Avoid the soothsayers of “I told you so” that are self-anointed prophets who thrive on misery and unhappiness.

At the same time I also suggest avoiding the “everything is going to be okay” people, especially if they have a terrible track record of being wrong most of the time. Such can hardly appreciate your journey if they are sitting in comfort and facing no similar problems.

Above all lift up one’s eyes and towards the Lord. His spirit will lift the veil of confusion and grant light in the darkness. If truth be a beacon of clarity that calms in the midst of the chaos regardless of what we fear, then rejoice for the knowing.

This is not a sermon. It is a prayer. It is also A petition of hope for everyone walking that difficult path and wondering why me? A simple wish to encourage and take heart that with God no matter the accusation or other obstacles, he will still always guide us beside those eternal sill waters. That is the place, which praise the Lord will refresh our souls no matter how great was our thirst.


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