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Friday, December 23, 2005


Is there anyone that truly enjoys criticism as much as encouragement? Yet I doubt that is what we hear most in life from any source. And it seems that criticism is far more contagious than kind words.

What is hard though is finding the right words to encourage when a person has made a mistake. The temptation is naturally to point out the problem, but it is so hard to do so in a way that doesn’t wound. That will in some way leave the person feeling full of hope and not full of despair.

I wish this was a practice we were all skilled at to the same degree, but I haven’t noticed it to be the case in reality. Another challenge is to me how does one expect such compliments from someone who is scarred by too many negative memories? Is it really possible?

The Apostle Paul tells us in his Ephesians letter how we should only say things to each other as believers that is profitable and edifying. I don’t think he would have had need to mention it if Christians in his day didn’t have as much a problem with that as we do.

Is there a balance one can truly find between constant criticism and too much flattery? A pastor has to find that balance more than some as the shepherd of a flock. But it is truly something that applies to all of us.

The simple answer is naturally that love ought to fuel our motives. A love that comes from the Holy Spirit and thus comes to us from the Lord’s heart.

Unfortunately emotions sometimes get in the way of our reason. Plus there is the uncontrollable mantel of our own personalities.

I know in my life I have been more inclined toward being negative and critical than uplifting. So I’m sure you can appreciate how I felt totally unworthy to be put in any capacity to inspire or encourage.

However I have tried to be obedient despite my fallings in that area and let God’s spirit use what words my mind was capable of forming to serve his purposes. Along the way I have had times when it has helped, at least by the kind comments that have come my way.

But for me it is the simple joy of knowing that it served God’s purposes that really matters. And to any of you who like me are a better critic than inspirer I offer the simple encouragement to leave it in the Lord’s hands. For as we know with him all things are possible.

I pray that we each find the path God has for us to lift up a moment in a way that makes in memorable in a positive way. And to rejoice in the small tidings of thought, which often are used by the Lord to warm and heal when life scars and bleeds.


Blogger Deanna said...

I come to visit you here far more often than I leave notes. But since you are writing about encouragement, let me tell you that you encourage my spirit on a regular basis. Thank you for taking the time to write your thoughts down. They feed me.

12:23 PM  

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