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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Dear God

I sit at my small desk of thought and write what I know you already see,
inside I struggle with the enigmas, ironies and paradoxes. I hold onto that frayed faith amid the tattered moments when this world bends to break my visions,
which came to me in the middle of the night of your presence constantly evident
though fleeting so often from my feelings, still clinging to the conviction
you are there and always watching answering our prayers in your timing
while we wait and wonder about it all.

Perhaps in the countless question there you can grant us light,
enough to make sense of this life. Yet will I hold onto the belief
what is in my heart is your gift, what I grieve over as my ills. Still I feel your
deposit of a need to trust you just the same.

Now in the silence I wait. I sit and wonder will you somehow touch us in some way
that it will end all this confusion. But I must leave it to your will, as I have always.

If there is truly mercy in your ways. If you are amongst us, then grant us eyes
more perceptive than we now have.

Thank you for the times you have blessed both with tears and also smiles. Thank you
for the many ways you have influence us through the halls of history where
all mankind have strolled.

And now, I leave my heart at your altar of grace, as so many others have done.
Always will I hope somehow you will end this sadness, but always will I still know
you are real.

From the depths of my soul



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