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LAIR OF THE PENMAN: Steering Wheel Companions

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Steering Wheel Companions

Night is my wine of adventure
when I cruise along the asphalt ribbon,
miles to go
only seeing the lights of houses
suspended in the blackness
as I head for my dreams.

Lights shine into my eyes,
other drivers doing the same,
lives clinging to their steering wheels
for substitutes
of loves either lost or never known.

It all gets swallowed by the dark spell
which turns midnight into a universe,
radio keeping me tethered to reality
though only by the barest thread.

Amnesia grants me mercy to memories
so longing to forget
and giving me a calming sensation
much more satisfying
than being alone
surrounded only by four walls.

Though it isn't heaven nor forever
at least the moment gives me peace
a quiet time of thought and spinning tires
each touching me in their own special ways.


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