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LAIR OF THE PENMAN: Where Light Abides

Friday, February 04, 2011

Where Light Abides

On a sojourn through solitude and silence,
can my soul hear the choral chimes of my heart.
Through its soft lilting rhapsody of inner truth
glowing from divine light and let’s my mind’s eye
my mind’s eye behold redemption
where other’s see waste.

Then I embrace how in the arid places,
so dry and desolate,
lies the gold from that precious gift
revealing what honestly sustains and nurtures.
It is what has metal to shield in any heat
by the strength that can endure
against the pangs of hostile whims.

For in the nakedness of need
all that is stripped away
makes what remains to clothe
the silk of spiritual empowering
as that sense of liberty swells.

Oh the tender harmony of peace
awakened when hands release
any obsession of a grasp on possessions.
Feeling rich by faith and the simplicity of a walk
uncluttered by the ornaments of arrogance.

What freeing comes on the passage
beyond the litter of selfishness.
Abandoning the tinsel of vanities
for a serene stroll in deepest joy
grants me calm since it isn’t burdened
with the tarnished array
of pride’s plastic collectables.


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