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LAIR OF THE PENMAN: To light the sky

Thursday, June 10, 2010

To light the sky

Muse's lips caress in such unexpected allure,
implanting messages and symbols --
dreams thought to be imagination
fracture into profound elements
till one's entire body writhes
through such pleading need
to scream their essence unto the world.

Visions mutate into surrealistic creatures
within the metaphor chasms of the brain,
fingers twitching, nervously reaching for a pen.

Words flow from an insight's rising pool,
transforming into desire's slave
furiously rattling the chains of fiery, mood metal
simmering within ecstasy's pot.

Sampling the concoction, hopelessly ravenous for more,
spilling the leftovers unto a page
where they rise in vapors of lucidity
that removing others blindfolds when read.

Becoming a light shining
into the darkness of understanding
exposing the sky in one's head to worlds unseen,
all because a craving gnawing relentlessly at the soul,
never thinking of accolade or riches
just a whispering fingertip
speaking what grew in a moment of inspiration.


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