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LAIR OF THE PENMAN: And I Shall Not Dream

Saturday, June 05, 2010

And I Shall Not Dream

And I shall not dream of medals for my chest
to adorn my heart with the pride of their gold,
but covet the glow from the trophies of the soul,
which radiate from the light of discovering within
as the victor that wears a crown over the self.

For I can race among the many throngs
who measure life by a single shimmering wreath,
yet never find in its glory any true peace.

The greatest joy is from competing completely,
totally expressing the harmony of mind, body and soul
where all you are flows through the challenge
and there is peace from utterly conveying your essence
that overpowers the need to boast of the success
because you find it in the full expression of all you are.

By that calm from any effort that is totally consuming,
wholly tapping into the pure core of being,
brings its passion and contentment
from having tested what dwells within
with a zeal for harnessing every ounce of your gifts.

It is the laurel of inner revealing that has its own curl of lips
unconcerned the addicts of vanity who view awards as a deity,
they will fade and vanish in the winds of time,
ultimately be replaced by another predator of shine
while the one who wins over selfish desires
is a champion for a lifetime.


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