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Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Park

Afternoon shadows falling across their shoulders,
mother watching her two young kids
blowing bubbles and sending them off into the wind,
just like they used to do on Saturdays
when their father would bring them to play,
telling them to make a prayer with each one they blew
for it would rise to heaven and be heard by God.

Feeling distraught from husband lying in a coma from car accident
taking kids to park her first distraction since he was taken to the hospital.
Hearing the prayer of the children
as they sent another airy sphere upwards,
that God should heal their daddy
The bubble flying so high and fair as if lifting miraculously,
seconds later cell phone rings,
hospital letting her know, husband is awake.
Tears flow from joy of his recovering starting
and how his lessons of faith to trust young souls
brought a very special blessing.


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