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Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Diamonds, sapphires and rubies adorned sublime,
crystal droplets inspiring sentient whims,
dazzle's opiate prancing through the mind
swimming fancy's river with throbbing fins
with facets' faces often seen as divine,
inhaled as beauty's brilliant flash of winds.
Proudly worn as jeweled garland's, glitzy array
mammon's opulence of affluence on display.

Life bespeaks a different precious stone
heart's gem cutter, a razor blade of fate's edge,
destined ticks carve the memory's pliable bone
left as omen rings on the mind's image ledge,
donned as pained impulse bracelets, with a groan,
one's spirit cracks, as if hammered by a wedge.
Fingers bearing their scars, one eye's alone can see,
lips deny how they burn internally.

What one wears to, of one being's, decorate,
isn't always the value we hold so dear,
for pride charms never will truly venerate
the image one decides, stands in a mirror,
no matter the tinsel used to negate
how one's face is truly perceived as clear.
Settings taming one's deepest, rocky flame
never glistens, by treasure's fleeting name.


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