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Thursday, March 25, 2010


How many times leaders see

the wispy curtain of inclement inklings

spread as a sprawling leaden sheet over the sky,

but use a calculator in the head to digest

what the torrid canvas truly suggests to our mind.


Even when any calendar of the past

records the peril of such harm,

which is on time’s ledger for comparison,

inward is often the voice of lethargic reasoning

as an atrophy of acumen’s astute eyes,

who wil not discern the real potent demise

that lies outside the comfort zone

where they dwell in the illusion of true control,

still treating the will as crown over every climate,

then channel an impotence in reaction

through rationale’s corridor in justified inactivity.


But then when the camera of consequence

reveals the fodder in every creature

left as shrapnel of that cataclysm cannon,

it is dealt with by sermonized excuses

so impassioned in their feigned compassion.


What tragedy lingers in the truth

of how this is a circle too often in human behavior,

sadly one that history records

through the enduring nature of institutionalized rulership,

when facing the warning signs of imminent destruction.





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