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LAIR OF THE PENMAN: Because He Lives

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Because He Lives

When I wander the dark corridors

of night’s desolate wasteland

the Lord is there

though I have fallen and full of sin,

and even those times I have drifted

far from the vision of His face

He still sees me with His eyes

constantly  full of forgiveness, grace and love.


Eternally is the hope that arose

with Him from the grave

as His word so declares, “Jesus Christ is the same

yesterday, today and forever.”


For in my wayward paths

or the devoted stalwart steps of faith

can I still cry out unto Him

with praise of knowing I am heard

because He lives!


It is the everlasting victory,

timeless and truth for all generations

that can heal wounds by promise

through His sacrifice,

plus remove all stains of our wrongs.


What is our immortal inheritance to cherish

is the source of constant joy,

the pure balm of salvation’s soothing incense,

which never ceases in its fragrance.


Through all travail of tribulations

those endless steps in struggles and pain

there remains the light of our Savior

to give us a candle in our soul,

ageless, ever iridescent in its power,

so we can remain full of its illumination

utterly radiant in the rays of His spirit’s peace,

until we stand before His immortal throne of grace.


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