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LAIR OF THE PENMAN: Beyond The Eagle’s Shadow

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Beyond The Eagle’s Shadow

The world dwells upon a panoply in pillars,

billions of lives precariously balanced

upon the foundations of power

who hold their dominion over every inch of soil.


And should the American Eagle have never flown,

if its wings had not spread to cover so much of the earth

then would come the vultures to take a spoil

for there is no limit to greed and lust

among the hearts who reside on each continent.


So would mankind be served better

should it have been under the clutches

of some talons in tyranny

that didn’t have a single inkling towards charity?


Democracy is an umbrella that never perfectly covers

every shower that touches the ground and people,

no single hand nor government

can extend liberty’s parasol by pristine purposes.


Does that say that the Star Spangled Banner

waves against all evil winds

without getting tattered at times?


Or does it suggest there are no frays or mars,

which cause scars where the shadow

spreads over other lands?


In the legacy of the quest for independence

there is always a price,

and what sacrifices have been made

to spare the world for the plagues of maniacal dictators

who would wantonly devour anything,

is one that can’t be ignored.

Thus for me I don’t think

a world without the red, white and blue banner

would have found mercy or peace

in the arms of the ravenous lords

that would have otherwise

had no restraint to their feasting.


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