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LAIR OF THE PENMAN: Eating Equators

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Eating Equators

Palms of power probe the planet in plotted precision,

their scalpel of wealth slicing slivers out of the earth,

carefully carving their own demographic pie,

across the world the make poverty’s pawns their chattel,

unconcerned the landscaped despoiled to play their game.


Wars used as chess matches to control the squares of soil

while they barter over ground to suck it of resources,

valor is the victim as warriors are slain at their command,

battlefields the wasteland of their avarice

as they hold the planet as a ball to treat as a private toy

never worried the parts they break to win the game.


Circumvented consequences buried in the bowels of industry,

venomous vapors from the cadavers of greed consume the air

until it silently chokes those who already suffer,

but the winds of sermonized speeches

skillfully preserve the illusion of humanitarian rhetoric

even when the crowds listening hack from the tainted air.


Palaces built on bones of sacrifice lambs

are mausoleums of consciences

where geography is globe lined of with words

written to define this land is mine!


Those scrawls of ravenous hunger to devour

don’t care they cross over lives or their possessions

because in the view of the kingpins of control

whatever exists always has the label of ownership

merely content to lease a small plot to the multitude

while they prepare their strategies

for abusing resources to fuel their maniacal musings.


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