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Tuesday, November 24, 2009


I stared at the sun today,

soon my eyes only saw its light,

there was no gray, nor dark,

all colors blended into a single shade.


World was bleached and flawless

every feature washed of identity,

left my brain to paint each image

how quickly it all become exquisite,

unparalleled in elegance, serenity and refinement.


Castles grow out of ruins,

angels glowed among strangers in tattered rags,

it was a dream, a reality with enchantment,

what incredible joy dwelled in the constant beauty.


But my gaze couldn’t silence the screams

of the blurs I treated as clouds,

stop the scents of rotting garbage

from tormenting my nostrils.


Couldn’t keep my hands

free from touching the waste of life

or my feet from stumbling over

the corpses of dreams.


So I retreated to the shack I called a mansion

lit a cherry scented candle

while turning up the stereo sound,

didn’t need the television

because the rest I created as a vision

it will last until the candle is gone

or my electricity gets shut off

since I can’t see to pay any bills.


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