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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Upon My Heart

Upon my heart blows the Holy Spirit’s breath

with the whirlwinds from the past,

the wisps of thoughts weave through my mind

with the ghost from the valleys that I trod

so I can pauses and let my soul inhale

His healing breeze of saving light

until my lips given song I praise

over how He gave me strength

through every shadow and tear.


In that celebration of His deliverance

I slip into psalm of thanksgiving,

by faith I reach out with arms of trust,

cry Selah and Hallelujah,

before me flees the floundering in my heart,

inside I feel His redemption heal

and in the Lord’s radiance of love,

do I feel that cleansing of my sins,

to look upon life as a new creation,

only filled with awe and joy

because my Savior has come into my life,

made every weed and stone a gift

where my eyes and essence bath in that power,

which He touches to bring relief.


It is the baptism of believe

unto a revival of renewal,

a believer’s holiday of such rapturous grace

that casts away any darkness.


Then I hear with my spiritual ears

His word recalled as truth’s manna,

every grateful for its nourishment

with the sustenance of salvation,

ever becoming the Myrrh of indwelling

able to lift my sight beyond its cares.


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