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Wednesday, April 09, 2008


A friend of mine and I were discussing the issue of full time Christian service. Basically the type of calling where you serve god in some capacity that doesn't require you to have a job in the usual places.

In any case, the issue we were discussing had to do with number of people we both knew that seem to feel that you couldn't be happy as a believer unless you did nothing, but live in a church. We didn't feel that way.

And as I sit at my regular job and spend my spare time writing for the Lord I appreciate how I have no profit or reward in this life from my serving him in this fashion. I get my daily bread, but no glory or attention.

Still I don't feel deprived. I don't feel God hates me. I just respect that I am doing what he wants me to do and that I am being provided for in the process.

And that is enough to be honest. Why would I need more in this life? Some seem to think otherwise.

Which is to put oneself into a position where you just feel you have to escape the usual world. True it sucks at times, but it doesn't mean we are going to get relief by hiding in church all day.

Most will not admit that is their motive and I can appreciate how appealing it would be. Yet, can one be faithful and feel fulfilled in one's faith while being another face in the work place?

I think the answer relates to being willing to embrace yourself as you really are. Not be stuck in the frame of thought that makes it necessary to be someone we can never become.

And along the way we can truly savor what God grants us as blessing. To walk tall and happy He loves us as we are.

Perhaps we will find peace at sunset when we are still warmed by thoughts of the sun. Maybe we can cherish what is rather than what is not

But in either case to move ahead is to be willing to see the truth. And that remains in the arena of faith. For in it we will see grace in our steps, no matter where we walk.

If that brings joy then we are truly blessed. If it doesn't, then we must be prepared to embrace the reality as it really is.

And not feel a beggar in the church because our robe is soiled from work while another has one that is whitewashed. It isn't seen that way by the Lord and that is really want counts the most.


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