I know there are tears from joy, which is naturally a good feeling for some. But then when the tears are from sorrow, is it possible to find some joy in the middle of the sobs?
I think the honest answer is that sadness is not conducive to a state oh joy. In time though, when the sadness has passed, joy can at times still touch.
And it if for that reason to me, that when I feel extra depressed or sad, I try to think of the times to come when God will minister to the pain. I remember the times he has done so in the past and am grateful.
It is that memory and thought that often touches with enough sensations to give some comfort. That doesn't always mean I feel happy at the time, but I do savor the moment with a clinging small grasp of faith for the inevitable someday.
For me, life is spent so much in isolation and solitude. I am not a social animal. I don't have a wide circle of family or friends in which to confide or share the moment good or bad.
This can seem to be a loneliness to some. However, I have found comfort in the appreciate of how it helps me see God more clearly.
It leads to a communion of the heart and soul that balances the sorry to some degree. I can feel the joy brewing in the valley. It lingers as a promise of the future. A time when the light of God's grace will shine through the storm clouds.
There is nothing from my point of view that demands we have to be these social animals and popular in order to be saved. Some will always have that as a more meaningful part of their lives than others.
I have accept the quiet of my life as a good thing. It gives me time to think, meditate, pray and along the way touch the parchments of my expressions in a way that will minister to others.
I hope sharing this will be of some consolation to others who feel all alone and abandoned in life. Yes, it hurts at times, but it can be a source of hope too.
For who better to feel and know the mercy of god than those who never feel it from others? It gives such a great appreciation of gratitude for what I treat as a blessing and not a curse.
Unto that end I share. That perhaps an eye or two who is hurting and in need might find a way to see the joys in the tears of the moment. With God we are never as alone as those who stand in a crowd, but nobody knows they are there. We are loved even if no man is the source of such compassion. Can one truly feel sad about the times when life unveils the hand of God even if at the time it is standing along in a desert watered by one's tears.
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