As a writer prone to using too many big words I have to plead guilty to not always remembering this rule in terms of communicating. The Lord thank goodness doesn't have that problem in terms of saying things we need to understand.
Admittedly, with such aspects as prophesy the symbolism can be vague and hard to understand regardless of how good a bible student the person is that is doing the interpretation. But whether we comprehend all the intimate details from the prophet as they are meant to be appreciated doesn't and shouldn't hinder are capacity to trust in the promises of the Lord.
What I think is a big problem is when God makes something easy to understand and we complicate it. For me, when the scriptures where penned they were inspired by God's spirit for the specific purpose of encouraging faith. I think it was presumed that the reader would already have faith when reading the bible.
That doesn't mean that the scriptures can't convict or convert. There are many times when somebody does come to the faith through reading God's word.
Still, that doesn't mean it happens in every case. There will always be those who will read the bible for the specific purpose of finding things or reason not to believe are true.
Then there are the incredible devout believers who are so passionate about their faith that the assume everyone should take their word for the fact that the bible is true. They often end up in arguments with non-believers that never actually accomplish anything, except frustrating each person.
I do personally embrace God's worth as the truth. It is for me a source of numerous influences on my life. But I do appreciate no matter how much it means to me that is no guarantee others will agree.
One of the areas I find a real tragedy in terms of plain and simple in that regard is the biblical version of the creation of the earth. Many is the debate that has raged over the issue of creation verse evolution. Each side seems bent on proving the other side is an idiot from my point of view.
To me, the scriptures simply declare that God created the Heavens and Earth. Basically he created all that is. And we are told in other places how Jesus part in the creation process was to literally speak into existence everything.
Nowhere in any of the biblical account does it bother to explain how God created anything in terms of the exact process. That is to me is because the whole purpose was to establish simple that God is the author of all we are and all that is in the Universe.
That will be enough for some, but not for others. Some will always try to go beyond what is plain and simple to complicate it with what they regard as evidence that creation isn't a reality. As for me, well someday when I stand before the Lord, I'll be happy to honor his creative with some praises of gratitude. I have no idea how those who dishonored him with their bias against his authorship will explain such actions when in his presence. To be honest I don't think I want to find out either.
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