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Friday, September 15, 2006


Clarity bespeaks of thought refined and full of light. It transcends the issue of self illusion for the sake of a better horizon.

We who listen to the clouds know it's chime upon the soul from God's heavenly doorbell. But it is a sound that isn't heard by the hears.

Hence it isn't always noticed by people too consumed with the clatter of their own ramblings no matter how spiritual they claim they are. Only you can't always get such people to understand that being impressed with your own voice is not the same as hearing the voice of the Lord.

And there are times when God unveils some reflection or truth in the midst of something ordinary. You might see incredible rainbows of interpretation, but others see only the average.

The Lord is very good at masking his intentions, will and power through the natural. A storm, thunder, even nature itself all bear his fingerprint, but not everyone is prepared to see or hear what is really there.

Faith stirs the pot of vision till we can taste of that casserole of more. It strengthens and give us sight to look beyond the obvious.

What a pity that even in Christian circles there are so many who aren't interested in such splendor. They want predictable and something they can control.

The pure delusion in such thinking revolves around the simple fact that in reality there is no such thing as genuine control by our hands. How could we actually have such power when the world and all that is in it belongs to God.

He granted Satan certain dominions of control when man fell, but it is a lease that will expired at the time of judgment. You and I in this realm are merely occupants without clear title.

That is reserved for later, after God restores the balance between man and creator. Then we can be part of the greater shared realm of dominion.

Until then we are in the midst of a test of our hearts and souls. What a pity are those who spend too much time presuming what is not going to be till eternity as being this present reality.

They are entitled to their lies. The Lord will not keep man from making something into his own version of God.

For those of us who know every something belongs in reality to the Lord are simply grateful for the times he grants us temporary custody of his possessions. I pray we never forget his sovereignty or ownership in the process.


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