When one things in terms of priorities, what is it really that comes to mind? Is it something spiritual or practical. There is always the text book response, but that isn't always the one that truly dominates in terms of our actions.
To sail without wings on a spiritual level means to let God's spirit set our priorities. Oh that happens a lot on Sunday. People gather at church and become very good at mouthing what is the rehearsed and know priority in terms of being Christian.
The only problem is that often it has nothing to do with what we live as priorities. Sunday's words drift off into the cosmos as one sits at a desk and nurses a cup of coffee. It is the barbed wire effect of being where breath makes no allowances for wings.
But the question abounding to me is what good is it to talk about putting God first in your life and then it never intrudes into one's daily life. Somewhere in the verbal perfume of inspiration we need to allow the scent to fill out lives to some degree.
However we also must allow God the wisdom, which means we accept he isn't without an appreciation for us being human. That to me translates into not speaking of priorities with the lips that we have no intention of embracing with our hearts.
I think God takes more delight in the kind of obedience that truly follows the Lord with sincerity and honesty than the type that sounds impressive on Sunday. For what we do in reality truly expresses our desires and priorities.
What is amazing at times is how people seem to forget this fact. God knows our hearts and thoughts. He knows what we will really due regardless of what we pray or claim.
Thus if we can abase ourselves of the need for self-deception and instead find the simple joy that only comes from the harmony and honesty then we can find the priorities in our lives that were truly intended. Not the ones we claim during some bible study or prayer. Nor the ones we love to express as our love impress others with if possible. But the ones that truly reflect what burns in our desires.
In the panorama of witness where we are only seen in glimpses we do savor the applause and approval of other eyes. It doesn't have much to do with eternal eyes that have a vision reaching so probingly into our secrets.
That is truly where our priorities lies. It is just as the scriptures declare, where our heart is (in terms of priorities and values) is where our riches really exists.
I for one don't enjoy the pretense of show. To merely act as if our heart is totally surrendered to god, while in fact it isn't the reality.
Perhaps the clouds shall set upon our minds and fog them in terms of this world. Perhaps we can grow wings in due season. But regardless, we know if what we say isn't what we do, our priorities will reflect the truth.
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