Ever have those moments you reach when you feel totally exhausted emotionally and nothing said could in anyway help? They are for me the one more word moments when you will scream if you hear a single more comment regardless of any kind, good or bad.
Mercifully, I think we do manage to survive, but we all have our limitations. They are really hard on the system and we wish they never took place.
Sometimes in the midst of a valley, I do admit that it is hard to always see the wisdom of the trial. It just becomes that burden, which suffocates and that is so exhausting.
I have wondered on occasions is it truly necessary to even go through such trials? Sometimes they truly seem pointless. There are those too where they come as a result of some mistake on our part.
However, in either case we struggle and hopefully along the way manage to see the Lord in the process. That can be the hardest part of all.
Some people presume the journey of faith can be traveled without adversity. But I haven't seen any evidence of that.
And goodness doesn't have much to do with it either. We see that in the scripture that talks about the rain falling on the just and unjust alike. Rain being a symbol for many things that means it is common to everyone.
None of that has anything to do with us in any way feeling satisfied with the mantle of grief falls on our shoulders. I doubt that we sit down and say thank you Lord for this suffering.
Instead, if we are honest we probably are asking, "why me Lord?" That is the one question that often never gets answered.
So we plot along, crying out to the Lord and praying for understanding. On some occasions it comes as just a wind. One that only touches the soul. It brings an air that when inhaled gives us strength for just one more day.
Is that the type of reply we truly want? Probably not. Is it the one we feel satisfied with? No. But it is the one, which we survive with knowing.
Providing we look to the Lord for help. To seek his comfort and strength in the crisis. That might seem like enough, but in its provision we often learn what we might otherwise not know.
Lessons aren't always without a price. Hopefully, it is one that we don't have to learn more than once. May the light of God truly shine in our hearts to guide us beyond the shadows of any words.
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