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Monday, March 27, 2006


Darkness can thrive even during noontime. It can overshadow the heart and soul regardless of the light. That is an element of thought and attitude. For some of us it is a constant of life.

With some sunshine is second nature. A way of seeing only the up side of life. However for some of us there will always be darkness.

The good news to me is that God loves even the pessimist. If we see the glass as half empty, it doesn’t mean we can’t trust the Lord.

To me it means we can even have a greater opportunity to trust him since we start out expecting the worst. On the flip side though is the danger of not seeing the possibilities and therefore letting one’s wings of faith end up being clipped. That really deters one’s chance to fly.

So pessimists can still love God. We can with God’s help turn that liability into an asset. It means not listening to the deceptive voice from Satan that wants to prey upon our doubts and convince to quit.

Most of all it means accepting one is going into the night of doubt. Not to pretend it isn’t there, but to celebrate how with God’s power we can by faith make it to that time of sunrise. The fact to me is that after incredible darkness the light always seems brighter. I pray you find that sunrise too when you drift into the night!


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