This is a word that has more personal application in my life the older I get. While I understand the reality that aging does impact all facets of one’s life I also know that it alone doesn’t mean account for those times when things simply overwhelm.
Part of it is the maturing process from my point of view. It is feeling more intensely and being more alive with a better and growing perspective of life. To be able to cherish what was once something I took for granted. And that includes finding what is precious in what I used to ignore or saw as average.
This is all part of the changing process of both faith and life if we allow God’s spirit to keep ministering and bringing life into our souls. I can even imagine going through life totally numb to truths that are learned in the bitter fields of both weeds and flowers. Those occasions when the scent of what is before us rises as a numbing perfume that changes how we think or view life. It is the joy of a daze that lets us thank god for what we might have otherwise discarded in haste.
All of which can be a simple praise or prayer at times. That is to find joy where some see only sorrow or a reason to complain. It isn’t always a pleasant trip or easy to follow, but it is one that god will work in our life when we willingly accept his leading in that regard.
For the slaves of control who live in opposition to real faith such a daze is to be resisted. If they can dictate when and how it happens, then it is of no value. They end up cheating themselves of the pure joy of when the daze affects the vision and grants a small glimpse into the eternal realm.
Alas the obvious isn’t always the prudent path to follow. Seeing doesn’t always take place with the eyes. Sometimes it must come with the heart. But on occasion we try to prevent letting God put glasses on our blurred heart.
Unto each morning we can salvage the passage to this communion of the soul with sight. But we also have to embrace the times we stumble and fail. That too is part of the journey. And a truly blessed one if it leads to the kind of daze that swells in the veins from joy once we have been touched in some inexplicable way from truly looking where some fear to see.
Celebrating life when one is trusting to Jesus as Lord and Savior is a different kind of sight to begin with. And for some the sight does grow too dim when we get distracted by the landscape of this world.
Every once and a while it pays to lift up one’s eyes and stare sternly and diligent towards eternity. In such a trance of spiritual fellowship we may find ourselves appearing to be dazed in a negative way in some people’s eyes that have never seen with their spiritual eyes. For such it only pays to smile and remember that not everyone who needs the Lord’s glasses will wear them.
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